Saturday, 14 February 2009

Sadly, No Woodhenge :(

But there were burial mounds!

Look Mom! I Saw Big Rocks!

I had better shots of the rocks, but... ya see... I was wearing my gloves and all of the pictures have my gloved fingers in them. So these are the ones without. I don't think they are that bad.


Terrible picture, but really the fact is we were almost there and it needed to be documented.

That was the goal. Isn't pretty?

Another landscape shot.

There were stairs coming up to this place and just so people could get the full effect of exactly how steep they were I took a picture of Mindy standing on them before they drop down into oblivion.

Inside of the chapel.

I am so sorry this video sucks so bad, but I was trying to be inconspicuous. I failed at it and ended up with this shotty video, but it gets the gist over which is what I really wanted. AKA I wanted y'all to see the people singing and drumming. It made the experience way more unique.

When In Rome...

In Glastonbury there is the Tor. I honestly can't tell you much about it other than it is a very large hill with a well underneath it. On the top there is a chapel to St. Michael and one can see Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, and Wales.

So, sprained knees and all I decided it would be a marvelous idea to climb to the top. I mean how many other chances would I get? Too bad we ended up going the wrong way... well it was right, but it was too muddy so we climbed a 1/3 of the way up which is these two top pictures and then had to go back down, around and restart the entire climb.

This is from the second climb. If we would have continued on the previous path we would have rounded up the hill in the right corner. It probably would have been more effort and trust me this was effort enough!

These are all shots from the hike up so that y'all could see how high we are going and the gorgeous views. We were lucky that it was a gorgeous day too.

However, I am almost positive that if it had not been as pretty, my happy sprained-knee self would have not climbed up the giant hill. But that is just speculation....

Thursday, 12 February 2009

I Said I Liked This Place

This is the famous Glastonbury Thorn, or at least I was PROMISED it. Too bad this one is a FRAUD! Yes! I know! FRAUD! I was promised the Glastonbury Thorn, which is the thorn that was planted by Joseph of Arimathea, but this isn't it. The original one is one the Tor. But I took a picture none-the-less of one of the thorns.

Oh, King Arthur was supposedly burried here along with his Queen. Monks supposedly found their bodies in the 12th century. They dug them up and moved them. I don't know if this where they found them or where they moved them to... it was never quite clear. All I do know is that they are not there now.

Thomas Becket's Chapel... or what is left of up (top and bottom images).

More of Glastonbury Abbey

This Might be One of the Cooler Places I've Ever Been

These are all pictures of the Lady Chapel at Glasotonbury Abbey.


Oh The Abbey

This is what the Abbey probably looked like at its high point in history. This was around the 16th century.
The Abbey was said to have been established in 63 AD by Josseph of Arimathea. It is the oldest known site of Christianity in Britain.

These were part of a tapestry in the Abbey museum. I did take a larger version, but it got me in the picture too and I didn't want that.

We Took a Bus

From Bristol to Glastonbury you must take Bus 376. It takes about an hours and ten minutes to get there by bus. It cost about 6 pounds each which wasn't bad at all. This is the scenic view via the bus. It was pretty funny actually. I wish I would have taken pictures of the sudden change between the areas. It was like snow then no snow. But these are all of snow... the ones without the snow were just as pretty but the bus windows were kind of gross so the pictures wouldn't have turned out well anyways.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

We Aren't Staying in Bristol?!

We arrive in Bristol after a very, very long day in Bath. We were cold and tired. We just wanted to drop our stuff off, maybe take a shower and then go see a movie. So, I called Manor Lodge where we were set to stay and asked if we could check in early. We got directions, but he kept saying "one stop up." I had no clue what that meant. So we go looking around Bristol Temple Meads for a bridge across the tracks. Luckily, the very nice policemen noticed we were a bit confused. Come to find out we were not supposed to be in Bristol proper, but in a suburb called Keynsham. We had to wait on another train to take us there. However, once we got there it was by far the nicest place we stayed (and the cheapest). The room and bathroom was huge. Keynsham was really small town and closed up really early. I liked it there a lot though, it was quaint. That is a shot from where we stayed down the road. We didn't stay too far from the railroad tracks and the center of town was maybe a 10 min walk with the snow.

More of the Abbey

The pews in the Abbey. If you look in the background and on the floor in some of the other image you will notice they are covered with grave markers. it is because in the 19th century the Abbey ran out of space in the cemetery and they voted to start burying their dead within the walls and floors.

Just one of the many beautiful stained glass windows.

The creepiest Jesus statue/sculpture I have ever seen. It was in the courtyard outside heading to the vaults.